Couples Therapy
Trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy and Object Relations theory, I provide couples therapy combining these perspectives to better understand clients and their potential for change.
I apply the theory of Object Relations to understand the intrapsychic structure of my clients. The early templates with the caregiver get played out in adulthood relationships. In couples therapy, I meet with the individual partners as part of the assessment process to learn about their individual intrapsychic templates. This is done within the construct of talk therapy sessions.
“Object relations theory begins with the individual’s need for relationships. From the beginning, what motivates the infant is its need for a relationship with its mother, and it is within the matrix of the attachment to her that the baby grows.”
Scharff M.D., David E.; Jill Savege Scharff (1991)
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is suited for couples where each partner is motivated to change and has some emotions still vested in the relationship. This therapeutic approach stems from ‘attachment’ science and identifies the innate human desire to seek connection with significant others.
EFT identifies attachment and emotions as being core features of close relationships. A secure attachment with another provides a secure base from which to grow and thrive. Ruptures in secure attachment can activate the attachment responses within individuals that impact the relationship dynamic, for example infidelity. EFT offers the understanding of the connection process and the felt emotions within couples to provide the opportunity to correct these experiences for a more resilient relationship.
“In insecure relationships, we disguise our vulnerabilities so our partner never really sees us.”
Sue Johnson (2008)
Clinical Hypnosis